Vacancy details
If part time please specify what days and times are you able to work?
Emergency Contact Details
Education and Training
Please provide all qualifications from school through to college and university or any other relevant training courses.
Additional Qualifications & Licenses
Please detail any qualifications or memberships to professional organizations/bodies relevant to this position you have applied for e.g HEB, Walmart, etc.
Any additional comments
By clicking here you indicate your agree to the terms below.
Upon receipt of your application form, Shaddai Solutions, LLC will be the Data Controller of your personal data. Shaddai Solutions, LLC will hold all the information you have given on this application form for legal requirements and for the purposes of personnel administration and statistical analysis. Your information will be held on a manual file and will also be entered in its current or altered format onto the company's computarized database. No information may be passed onto a third party.
EEO:EEO-1 Voluntary Self Identification Form
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) requires organizations with 100 or more employees to complete EEO - 1 report each year. Completion of data is voluntary and will not affect your opportunity for employment or terms or conditions of employment. This form will be used for EEO - 1 reporting purposes only and will be kept separate form all other personnel records only accessed by Human Ressources Department. This form will be sent to the Human Resources Department.
Shaddai Solutions, LLC and any related entity is an equal opportunity employer that adheres to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, marital status, disability or veteran status. Nothing in this application implies or promises actually that the applicant is creating an employment control with Shaddai Solutions, LLC and any related entity. Employment will be “at will of both parties” and is terminable by either party at any time, with or without cause. No offer of employment has been made at this time of application. The employer has my authorization to verify any information given on the application. I understand that any false information may result in immediate termination at any time.
Yes, I agree with Terms and Conditions.